Sometimes I jot down a few words to remind myself of something I want to write about or look up later. For this purpose I carry small notebooks in my purse.* I remembered I had written something down after an entertaining conversation with my boyfriend, and I flipped through my current notepad until I found it. It was written in hurried, messy writing, but I'm 99.3% sure that it says "peeing Japanese people." Umm, what? Naturally I Googled it in attempt to find out what.the.hell. we could have been talking about. Bad idea. Obviously I am
not looking for anime porn. Just peeing Japanese people. Give me a break, Google!
So I wrote all of that down after Googling that phrase. Then I apparently wrote "how to use a Japanese toilet." I was probably sure I'd remember why I jotted that down, but now it is weeks later, and I'm wondering what
that was all about. Well,
this was the first search result I found. Clearly I should be prohibited from Googling things.
I'm thinking I need to find some legitimate hobbies before I get carried away and start looking up the proper style for using toilets in
every country on the planet.
*Small notebooks also make great gifts. A lovely, lovely friend named after Ariel's nemesis gave me a badass Yellow Submarine notepad for my birthday...
Ok, so she's way hotter than this "sea witch," and she totally wasn't named after this ugly thing. But still....and my always-on-point boyfriend hit a home run with a cutesy floral design and some nice Paper Mate pens on Valentine's Day. (I think he just wanted me to stop stealing pens from the bar where he works, but we'll pretend it was a romantic gesture.)