Country music. Most people I know say things along the lines of, "I like all types of music....except country." I used to be one of those stylish people, but I guess I've taken a turn for the redneck (read: worse).
I blame West Virginia, simply because it's an easy target. I mean, people don't often rush to WV's defense, do they? Everyone's all, "har har har, inbreeding!!" when that state turns up in conversation.
Anyway, when you're driving home from Cleveland (GO BROWNS) and you stupidly didn't bring CDs or an mp3 player for your trip, you get stuck with a total of 1.5 radio stations to choose from in West Virginia. The ".5" represents an assortment of "easy listening" stations that don't have very good reception. So you're forced to listen to the static-free country channel. To be honest, it was entertaining. We discovered the musical gem "The Black Number 3" and other hilarious songs. (Click that link. You won't be let down.)
The problem is, after safely returning to territory with more music options, we actively sought out country stations. Now, over half a year later, the radio station hasn't been changed on Mike's stereo even once.
I play country songs on jukeboxes at bars where I once cared about upholding my reputation of being awesome. That's out the window now, I guess. Even my ipod has been infiltrated with Billy Currington and Gretchen Wilson songs. My music-savvy friends give me dirty looks these days. I used to be so trendy, but I guess now the best I can hope for is redneck chic. I just googled "redneck chic," hoping that was at least a real thing. It's not, apparently. This was the first result after doing an image search:
West Virginia, it's all your fault!
PS: I hope to see all of you at the Toby Keith concert next month! XOXO.